Selasa, 26 Februari 2013

[Gudang Artikel] Janggelan Cincau Cincailah....

Janggelan atau lebih dikenal dengan cincau hitam tumbuh di musim hujan. Namun, saat ini cukup langka karena kemarau panjang dan cuaca yang tidak begitu bersahabat. Banyak tanaman cincau hitam di daerah Jawa Timur yang mati kekeringan. Namun langkanya tanaman cincau berbanding terbalik dengan kebutuhan. Banyak permintaan, namun stok tak memadai.
Ini jadi lahan subur bagi para petani cincau  hitam yang masih memiliki tanaman yang hidup dan terpelihara dengan baik. Seiring dengan langkanya stok barang dan kebutuhan yang tinggi, sebagaimana hukum suplay dan demand tentu saja menyebabkan harga yang melambung tinggi. Bahkan di lingkup petani saja harga cincau hitam yang setengah kering mencapai Rp. 10.000,- dan cincau hitam kering (yang telah berwarna hitam kering) mencapai harga Rp. 15.000,- bahkan ada tengkulak yang berani membeli Rp. 17.000 per kilonya. Bayangkan saja, kenaikan itu benar-benar drastis dari panenan tahun lalu yang paling banter laku cuman Rp. 3.000 per kilonya.

Jika dipelajari dari harga yang mencapai segitu, artinya kebutuhan akan tanaman cincau hitam itu masih sangatlah tinggi.

Sumber info : Telusur Masamru di Masyarakat Gawangan Ngrayun Ponorogo Jatim.
Februari 2013

Posting oleh Blogger ke Gudang Artikel pada 2/26/2013 06:10:00 AM
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[Gudang Artikel] Janggelan Cincau Cincailah....

Janggelan atau lebih dikenal dengan cincau hitam tumbuh di musim hujan. Namun, saat ini cukup langka karena kemarau panjang dan cuaca yang tidak begitu bersahabat. Banyak tanaman cincau hitam di daerah Jawa Timur yang mati kekeringan. Namun langkanya tanaman cincau berbanding terbalik dengan kebutuhan. Banyak permintaan, namun stok tak memadai.
Ini jadi lahan subur bagi para petani cincau  hitam yang masih memiliki tanaman yang hidup dan terpelihara dengan baik. Seiring dengan langkanya stok barang dan kebutuhan yang tinggi, sebagaimana hukum suplay dan demand tentu saja menyebabkan harga yang melambung tinggi. Bahkan di lingkup petani saja harga cincau hitam yang setengah kering mencapai Rp. 10.000,- dan cincau hitam kering (yang telah berwarna hitam kering) mencapai harga Rp. 15.000,- bahkan ada tengkulak yang berani membeli Rp. 17.000 per kilonya. Bayangkan saja, kenaikan itu benar-benar drastis dari panenan tahun lalu yang paling banter laku cuman Rp. 3.000 per kilonya.

Jika dipelajari dari harga yang mencapai segitu, artinya kebutuhan akan tanaman cincau hitam itu masih sangatlah tinggi.

Sumber info : Telusur Masamru di Masyarakat Gawangan Ngrayun Ponorogo Jatim.
Februari 2013

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Senin, 25 Februari 2013

Affiliate Marketing Blog
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Quality unique content for cheap?
Feb 26th 2013, 01:09

Hi everyone,

Creating a high quality niche website, one that is very useful for the visitors, usually requires articles and/or video that contains great quality relevant information.

Most of us remember the 'bad days' when you'd go to Google and search for something only to find a bunch of websites peddling rubbish PLR articles that didn't even look like they were written by an english speaker.

Those days are mostly behind us, though there is still a lot of uniquely written 'garbage' circling the internet. The kind of content that people look at for 5 to 15 seconds, then leave and go to another site to find what they are REALLY looking for.
If people are leaving your websites that quickly you'll find it difficult to maintain high search engine rankings, as your content will be deemed as either low quality or not relevant. Not to mention, you won't be getting the repeat traffic to your websites that you need to make a really great income online.

The big problems

1. The first big problem with creating unique content is that it can be expensive. Either expensive hiring the top quality writers, or expensive in terms of your time and efforts at researching and writing this content.

2. The other big problem is the lack of quality writers out there. There are LOTS of writers who write with great grammar, however there are few who are good at doing the research required to write a GREAT article (or who already possess the subject matter expertise you require for your niche).

Overcoming those problems

I've found a really good way to overcome these problems and get quality content created for relatively low prices.

It involves using, in a specific way...

About iwriter

Firstly I'll give you a bit of background about iwriter.

Iwriter is a place you can go to online to get articles written for you for really good prices.

Their basic writers are as low as $1.50 for a 300 word article.

Their Elite writers cost $12.50 for a 500 word article (this is very reasonable for a good writer).

Problem with iwriter

The problem that most people find with iwriter is that they either go for the basic writers, who end up doing a low quality job. Yes you do get what you pay for.

Or, they don't give any instructions to the elite writer and just expect a great article by giving them the title of the article.

The solution

The title isn't enough. When you get a writer at iwriter to write an article for you, you need to give them more details.
Yes this might seem like a bit of work, and once you get good at it, it'll take you about 10 minutes per article, however, it's WELL worth it.

Iwriter Elite writer write with excellent grammar, and have some good ideas in their writing however, due to the relatively low rates that they charge themselves out at, they don't spend much or any time doing great research.

So you can easily get an article from them that is well written gramatically, but doesn't really say anything that is beneficial to the reader.

Instead, what I recommend that you do is you prepare for them an 'Article Snippet'

This is where you explain 3 key ideas that you'd like to be mentioned in your article, and you even link to 2 or 3 articles on the internet that explain each of these key ideas.

Tell them that you'd like to see more of their own ideas also from their own research (subtly dropping the idea that you are expecting them to do research).

Tell them that the article is going to be placed on a high quality blog.

Let them know the tone on the article (ie first person, with enthusiasm, vs textbook like tone).

And give the article title a number.

e.g. Instead of:

How to lose belly fat (this is an example from the weight loss niche)

Make the article title:

7 Ways to Lose Belly Fat

That way they will be forcing themselves to include at least 7 specific pieces of information, rather than spending too much time in their article waffling on to fill up the word count.

Let them know in your instructions that you want the article to contain a lot of useful information and not too much waffle.

And tell them NOT to worry about keyword optimizing your article (let them just concentrate on writing a great article). You can optimize it yourself later if you wish.

The other thing to do, is to show them samples of high quality articles (say 3 or 4) so that they can see the quality of writing that you are expecting of them.

Do all the things that I've mentioned in my article above and you'll get great articles written by iwriter writers.

Oh and make sure you select their elite writers for 500 or 700 words. I usually go for 700 or 1000 words, though that costs more it means I get better articles as great articles often take more space.

Look at this article, it's not just 500 words is it?

Anyway, the best thing you can do right now is give this a go, get 1 single article written, learn from it and go from there.

Btw I'm not an affiliate of iwriter, and you could use what I've mentioned in the above article with a different service. I just mentioned iwriter as that's the one I usually use for these kinds of content based articles.

Oh and another use of these articles is for scripts for your own YouTube videos.

I hope this goes well for you, let me know your comments and/or suggestions.

Talk soon,

Mark Ling

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Rabu, 20 Februari 2013

Peluang Kerja Sampingan Riset Pasar Nusaresearch. Riset atau penelitian biasanya dilakukan oleh perusahaan-perusahaan sebelum melakukan market atau penjualan barang. Ini dilakukan untuk melihat sejauh mana anemo masyarakat tentang suatu produk, agar tepat sasaran dalam melakukan proses penjualan. Pada akhirnya diharapkan tahap-tahap penjualan menjadi lancar dan sukses dengan omzet yang diharapkan. 

Riset pasar umumnya dilakukan dengan survey ke masyarakat dan ini bisa belangsung lama jika dilakukan sendiri. Saat ini banyak lembaga survey yang menyediakan jasa riset independen di luar kendali perusahaan. Nah, jasa seperti ini lebih disukai oleh perusahaan karena selain data yang dihasilkan lebih akurat dan lebih obyektif. 

Perusahaan yang dibangun dengan basic online seperti Nusaresearch memiliki peran yang positif bagi perkembangan dunia survey untuk kemajuan ekonomi bangsa. Perusahaan ini memberikan kesempatan kepada setiap warga negara yang cukup umur (di atas 16 tahun dan telah memiliki identitas diri/ KTP) untuk berpartisipasi dalam riset / survey dari berbagai perusahaan serta memberikan wadah untuk pengembangan ide para peserta dalam materi survey. 

Bahkan Nusaresearch memberikan bonus poin yang bisa ditukarkan dengan uang atau hadiah berharga atas kontribusi setiap peserta survey dalam dalam pengembangan produk dari perusahaan lokal. Andapun bisa bergabung menjadi anggota Nusaresearch dengan mudah, cara singkatnya adalah sebagai berikut: 
  1. Mendaftar Keanggotaan  melalui web resmi nusaresearch klik disini.
  2. Mengisi Data-data yang diminta (Siapkan Nomor KTP, Nomor HP, Alamat E-mail), untuk data lain bersifat umum. 
  3. Setelah pendaftaran sukses, anda akan mendapatkan kiriman e-mail dari Nusaresearch untuk aktivasi keanggotaan anda. 
  4. Setelah itu anda bisa ikut dalam survey yang akan dihargai dengan bonus poin (bisa ditukar rupiah ataupun hadiah berharga). 
  5. Perlu diketahui, bahwa pembayaran poin ini dianjurkan melalui e-commerce Indonesia IPAYMU (Baca Tentang IPAYMU Klik Disini). 

Perlu dicatat bahwa dalam tahap launching ini pendaftaran keanggotaan adalah GRATIS ! Bahkan anda akan langsung dapat 40 poin atas kesediaan mendaftar sebagai anggota survey. Plus poin tambahan lain (Silahkan pelajari di web resmi Nusaresearch Klik Disini

Salam Hangat, masamru

Posting oleh Blogger ke Gudang Artikel pada 2/20/2013 06:09:00 PM
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Affiliate Marketing Blog
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Affiliate Marketing Experts Share Their Strategies for 2013
Feb 19th 2013, 01:45

Affiliate marketing has been one of the most profitable online business models for the past decade and a half, and there's no doubt about that. It's a very efficient business model for many, as it doesn't necessarily require a high-cost investment to start with. 

However, the web and its users are constantly maturing, and this aspect of the online commerce industry makes affiliate marketing harder each day. Making money through commissions from promoting other businesses' products may not require a high budget, but it will definitely need a right game plan.

So we've asked some of the experts in the field to share the strategies that they'll be focusing on implementing this year in continuously growing their affiliate sites – in terms of traffic and revenue.

John Chow

Author of the book "Make Money Online: Roadmap of a Dot Com Mogul". You can visit his blog at and follow on Twitter @johnchow.

Q1: What is your affiliate marketing strategy for 2013?

My affiliate strategy for 2013 is to create products that enhance the experiences for both my customers and affiliates. A win-win situation is the only way to ensure a long-term viable business.

Q2: How is this different from your approach last year?

In the past, I have been a traditional affiliate by promoting offers from networks. I started offering my own products to affiliates towards the end of the year and it has done really well. I will continue doing that in 2013.

Zac Johnson

Zac Johnson is a super affiliate and he blogs at You can also follow him on Twitter @moneyreign.

Q1: What is your affiliate marketing strategy for 2013?

My focus for 2013 will be to continually grow out my personal brand and portfolio of web sites and blogs. The importance of growing out your own brand and products is extremely crucial for bringing your business to the next level, and not simply relying on affiliate marketing commissions and sales to drive 100% of your revenues.

Q2: How is this different from your approach last year?

The difference between this and last year is that I will be focusing more efforts on creating actual services and products that people can use and learn from, versus static content. Through the user of customer interaction and participation you can scale your business and reach at a much faster pace.

Tricia Meyer

Tricia Meyer is a seasoned affiliate marketer, blogger and consultant. She blogs at and you can also follow her on Twitter @sunshinetricia.

Q1: What is your affiliate marketing strategy for 2013?

This year I am going to focus more on where I fall in the marketing funnel and attempt to increase my earnings on both sides. This means better combining both the review content as well as the last push to the consumer to make a purchase (coupons, last minute deals, etc.). I'll be working on this across both my content sites and deal sites but from completely different angles to achieve the results.

Q2: How is this different from your approach last year?

We have not had a lot of data on this in the past, but networks are providing more of it now. In the past I could only rely on keywords and know whether people were visiting my sites for the content or the coupons. Now I can talk to my merchants and find out when the cookies are being set and whether people are visiting other affiliates before or after me. As more networks make this data available and more merchants are willing to talk about it, I am able to change my strategy to better increase my conversions and overall revenue.

Matt Carter

Matt Carter is a full-time super affiliate and the publisher of the popular blog

Q1: What is your affiliate marketing strategy for 2013?

I am doing more lead generation affiliate marketing for 2013 which also involves more Adwords

Q2: How is this different from your approach last year?

This is different in that it is not traditional affiliate marketing, as you are selling leads to businesses, and also I have moved away from focusing on SEO only and introducing more paid traffic


Miles Baker

Miles Baker is a ClickBank expert and internet marketer since 1999.

Q1: What is your affiliate marketing strategy for 2013?

"Our affiliate marketing strategy is to create more opportunities for affiliate sales. This includes creating more resource lists, additional blog posts and reviews, custom email offers that include free value, and partnering up with other existing product vendors to create special offers for their products."

Q2: How is this different from your approach last year?

Last year we did not create many joint venture special offers as an affiliate. However, we noticed the few we did were the most successful offers as they create a strong sense of urgency. Creating a special offer with a limited time and price makes all the difference. We'll be partnering up with more vendors in 2013 to create more of these effective offers.

Bonus: My strategies for 2013 and beyond

I've been helping out a friend this past month in optimizing and in developing promotional strategies for her blog (you'll notice the blog is using AffiloTheme and its affiliate model is based on AffiloJetpack's guide).

The blog is already generating traffic and substantial newsletter subscribers on its own on a daily basis, with just the high quality content that it has published last year (without link building done and other web marketing methods).

But this time, we'll be using the strategies that I've suggested to improve its traffic and lead generation processes.

I'll be sharing the results of the strategies on my next post here as a case study. But anyway, here are the methods that we'll be focusing on working on to build up the site's web presence and revenue.

Publish new content on a regular basis

It's important to continuously create useful content that will be published within the site/blog. Few known advantages of being consistent with content production are:

  • Helps build a strong readership for the site (which can help you generate more leads).
  • Allows you to target more long-tail keywords, especially if you'll be covering topics that are frequently searched in your space.
  • The more you provide useful content, the better chances of attracting more natural links to the site.

Authorship Markup

Implementing authorship markup is vital these days, especially for content publishers. Given that Google's Eric Schmidt has been straightforward with how verified authors will affect search rankings in the future (or the metric better known as AuthorRank).

Regular contribution on other strong publications in your industry

Guest blogging on hundreds of different domains would really be hard to implement for small affiliate sites or blogs. Choose 3 – 5 popular online publications in your industry where you can be a regular contributor or columnist, instead of pitching to hundreds or thousands of blogs.

It will be more effective, especially if you'll be accepted as a contributor on high traffic blogs, as this can also help you continuously absorb readership, targeted traffic and leads from them. Other benefits are:

  • It can improve your AuthorRank, particularly if you have implemented authorship markups
  • Can create strong brand signals for your site, seeing that you'll be more visible on these channels, especially if you're contributing content to them on a weekly basis.
  • It can be a channel where you can promote the content that you're providing on your blog, through contextual linking.

Invite guest authors

Having good guest authors (that have substantial following base and readership) contribute content on your blog is also a great way to absorb traffic (from them) and to also attract more natural links to your site.

It will be a lot easier to attract good guest bloggers when you're providing useful content on a regular basis. For more extensive tips, you can check out my recent post on using this method as a link baiting strategy.

Monthly keyword audit and on-site optimization

I've written a post last month on how I've increased my search traffic through keyword audit and on-site optimization, which received a lot of positive response. I highly recommend checking the post out for the detailed tutorial on how to implement the strategy.

The core concept of the strategy is to determine long-tail keywords that have high engagement rate (through your Google Analytics data) and to optimize the posts/pages on your site where these keywords are sending highly qualified traffic (to increase their search rankings for those query variations).

Get involved on relevant online communities

Actively participate on discussions from popular forums and blogs in your industry, because it's an effective way to attract more traffic to your site as well as to indirectly promote your site's useful content.

Making this part of your weekly tasks will enhance the signals that you are able to send out for search engines to recrawl your site. This activity will be very beneficial for the entire process, since you are also making changes on the site and continuously adding new content, wherein search engines can recalculate the site's search rankings.

If you have more questions about how to efficiently promote and grow your affiliate sites this year, I would love to answer them on the comment section below.

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Senin, 18 Februari 2013

Affiliate Marketing Blog: AffiloTheme updated!

Affiliate Marketing Blog
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AffiloTheme updated!
Feb 18th 2013, 22:05

Hello all,

We've just released a bugfix release of AffiloTheme, available to you now!

Here's what's changed:

  • Fixed a few style issues related to the header images
  • Any new site on AffiloTheme Hosting will now use WordPress 3.5.1 by default.
  • Posts using photos from an external website would show a placeholder featured image. Now they won't show any featured image [featured images from remote websites are disabled for security reasons]

This week we're also performing some upgrades to the AffiloTheme hosting; once it's done, you should see some decent speed improvements on your website. We're trying to keep downtime to a minimum, but if you find your website unavailable some time in the next 12 hours, just wait about 20 minutes, then try again.

This will probably be the last AffiloTheme release for the next two months (except for urgent bugfixes); we're gearing up internally to add some major integration with Jetpack (hint: auto-import... oh how I wish I could tell you more!) 

If you do encounter any issues with AffiloTheme, either on our hosting or your own, please contact customer support. They're always eager to help you out.

In the meantime, get the WordPress theme that's been designed specifically to make your affiliate marketing easier by wowing your visitors, impressing Google, and helping you build your list, fast! Click here to get AffiloTheme today!

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Minggu, 17 Februari 2013

Affiliate Marketing Blog
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Evergreen Content and the Affiliate Marketer
Feb 17th 2013, 20:37

Evergreen content, to those not familiar with the term, refers to timeless content. This is the kind of content that remains relevant years after it has been published. Hence, "evergreen": content that is always fresh.

So what does evergreen content have to with affiliate marketing?

It helps drive traffic to your site. Just like any other article you publish on your site. The only difference is that evergreen content is sustainable. Evergreen content, being content that is always relevant, is capable of driving consistent traffic to your site through constant links and references by other sites as well as sharing on social media.

Let's take as an example this lesson on affiliate marketing: How does affiliate marketing work?. This lesson was published years ago, and yet, if you look at the content, it is still relevant. Certain parts need to be updated, but as a whole, it remains true to what is affiliate marketing and how it works. Despite having been published a few years back, this article is still linked and referred to by other sites. This equals to getting traffic as well as backlinks, which eventually lead to conversions

Fortunately, most niches in affiliate marketing are evergreen: weight loss, self-development, love and romance to name a few.

How to Write Evergreen Content

Writing evergreen content for your affiliate marketing site can be tricky, but it is not difficult. It's the same as writing any other article for your site. The difference lies in the subject matter and the format. Keep in mind that what you want to write is an article that gives information that does not change. These would usually be lists (like those 10 Things I Have Learned in Life that always gets shared around on Facebook), or how-to articles (How to manage your time, or, how to train your dog and similar articles). You can also write a "Tips" article like those " 10 Tips to a Slim Waist", for example. Product reviews are also considered evergreen content.

A few other things to take note of when writing evergreen content is to keep the tone of the article light-hearted, and the language simple and straightforward. Who wants to read an article that is full of technical jargon? One key element of evergreen content is that everyone can relate to it. All readers understand it.

Make sure to narrow down your topic as well. This applies to all articles, not just evergreen ones. Narrowing down your topic helps to keep you organized. It's much easier to write about a single topic than several different ones, even if they are related. You'll be able to link your article to a related post anyway. In fact, we always recommend you link your article to a related post on your site. Articles with evergreen content are no exception. In fact, links are a major factor in evergreen content, so make sure to link articles together.

Evergreen content means SEO

SEO is essential in affiliate marketing. Sure you can drive traffic to your sites without the help of search engines, but every affiliate marketer knows that being at the top of the SERPs for your target keywords is still the best. Evergreen content helps you with SEO for your site. This doesn't mean you're just going to put the evergreen content out there. Like any other article on your site it needs to be optimized for your target keyword. Evergreen content will eventually be acquiring links on its own, but you would need to build links to it at the onset. Before it can begin driving traffic to your site on its own, you need to make sure to drive traffic to your evergreen content first.

Having evergreen content on your site is certainly helpful, but you do not have to make all your articles evergreen. Not because the article is made of evergreen content means you will not update it either. You still need to write current, topical articles to make your site relevant and timely. You need too review and update evergreen articles from time to time too. That's a key factor to make sure your evergreen content stays evergreen.

There's a lot of information out there about evergreen content. There's this excellent case study by SEOMoz that I suggest you go over. Our very own Jason Acidre also wrote a superb article on evergreen content and how it affects your site's marketing and sales.

Before you can publish evergreen content on your site, or any article for that matter, you need to polish your writing skills. Affiloblueprint has some excellent training on creating content. Make sure to check them out! :)

I hope you found this article helpful. Go ahead and leave a comment! I would love to hear from you!

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Kamis, 14 Februari 2013

Affiliate Marketing Blog
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Affilotheme Valentines Day Update
Feb 14th 2013, 03:57

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! 

It's that day of the year to do something for those you love, and for us that's you guys! 

We have some exciting news for you - we've just released a new version of AffiloTheme! Version 4.0.1764 has some new and useful changes you're going to love more than an anonymously delivered single red rose :)

Since the last Affilotheme release, we've made headers support 960x150 sizing on ALL themes, so you can use them with everything! There's a big reason behind this change, so watch this space! (Hint: it involves Jetpack!)

Along with changes we've also tweaked a few minor things in order to make life even easier for our Affilotheme users:

  • We've fixed a couple of links in the WordPress header that were reported as "missing"
  • The Popup Squeeze pages are now centred in all browsers
  • Newlines in articles now work correctly in Seventeen Theme. 
So what are you waiting for? You and your content deserve the fastest and easiest way to build a profitable website - you can be up and running within ten minutes! Click here to join the community today!

Until next time!

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Jumat, 08 Februari 2013


Mohon maaf kalau judul posting itu berkaitan dengan pemilik sapi di seantero dunia, bukan maksud menjelekkan kandang sapi loh. Tulisan ini saya buat karena prihatin saja dengan cemooh dan hujatan yang menimpa saudara kita LHI yang selama ini dikenal sebagai orang yang serius memberantas yang namanya korupsi, namun entah kenapa kok terjebak dengan korupsi itu sendiri.

Kata orang jawa memang sih begini "Ojo cedhak-cedhak kebo gegupak", maksudnya jangan dekat dekat dengan kemaksiatan dan keburukan-keburukan, karena bisa jadi kecipratan oleh dampak buruk dari kemaksiatan orang lain itu. Dan kejadian seperti itu sering menimpa saudara-saudara kita di lain tempat, entah itu di wilayah lingkup organisasi maupun kepartaian. 

Saya tidaklah memihak mana yang benar dan mana yang salah, namun lebih cenderung menyikapi fenomena yang telah terjadi dengan jernih saja. Jika saya amati dan saya pelajari selama ini, PKS itu adalah sebuah wadah yang sangat konsen dengan dakwah, mengajak kepada kebaikan. Bahkan ketika saya ketemu anak muda yang rajin berjamaah di masjid ternyata dia adalah kader PKS. Dan itu tidak hanya di satu tempat dan satu pulau saja, yang saya temui ketika ngobrol-ngobrol singkat, ternyata sama. Kalau orang tua sih sudah umum rajin berjamaah di masjid. Namun, saya sangat senang dan bangga ketika anak-anak muda juga ikut memakmurkan masjid. Itu adalah bibit-bibit kebaikan yang ditanamkan PKS, jadi janganlah terprovokasi untuk ikut menyudutkan atau mencemooh dengan adanya suatu kasus yang dipandang jelek di mata masyarakat. Ibarat pepatah mengatakan "Karena nila setitik, rusaklah susu sebelanga", seolah satu hal yang dianggap buruk membuat semua jadi buruk.

Buah Simalakama kata orang, ke sini salah ke situ salah. Bagaimana mau memberantas kejahatan kalau tidak dekat dengan para pelaku kejahatan? Bagaimana mau mengajak kebaikan kalau terus berkumpul dengan orang baik? Kalau berkutat di lingkaran orang-orang baik dan tidak mau ekspansi dakwah keluar, terus siapa yang mau didakwahi?
Mudah mudahan saja kasus LHI itu adalah sebuah cambukan buat PKS yang selama ini saya amati istiqomah dengan usaha dakwah mengajak kepada kebaikan hidup di dunia dan kemuliaan akhirat. Cambukan yang saya tulis di depan saya maksudkan adalah cambukan sebagaimana ketika kuda dicambuk maka akan semakin berlari kencang. Demikian juga semangan dakwah para ikhwan dan akhwat di PKS semoga tambah berlari kencang dalam dakwah, tambah semangat.

Ibarat pepatah "Mati Satu Tumbuh Seribu"
Dengan satu cambukan, tumbuhlah seribu kebaikan, tumbuh seribu semangat baru dalam dakwah.

Posting oleh Blogger ke Gudang Artikel pada 2/08/2013 02:17:00 PM
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Kamis, 07 Februari 2013

Untuk memajukan ekonomi rakyat Indonesia, kini digencarkan pula transaksi melalui dunia internet. Hal ini dimaksudkan agar dunia pemasaran online bisa lebih dikenal dan lebih mudah digunakan oleh masyarakat hingga ke pelosok negeri.

Dalam rangka mendukung pergerakan perekonomian di Indonesia, serta menggairahkan UKM Goes Online, ekonomi digital di Indonesia - metode pembayaran online Ipaymu mengadakan kontes bagi para member maupun pemilik web store.

Berikut ini daftar kontes yang diadakan oleh ipaymu :

1. Social Sharing Competition
Dapatkan hadiah:
Rp. 8.000.000 = Juara I
Rp. 7.000.000 = Juara II
Rp. 6.000.000 = Juara III
Rp. 5.000.000 = Juara IV
Dengan mengumpulkan jumlah viral tertinggi.

2. eCommerce Platform

a. Kategori Platform eCommerce Umum
Membuat aplikasi / plugin yang terkoneksi ke sistem pembayaran IPAYMU,
dan aplikasi terbaik akan meraih uang tunai sebesar:
Rp. 6.000.000 = Juara I
Rp. 4.000.000 = Juara II
Rp. 3.000.000 = Juara III

b. Kategori Platform eCommerce Khusus
Mengaplikasikan API IPAYMU ke online store builder engine Anda
(seperti aplikasi yang sudah terimplementasi &
Rp. 8.000.000 = Juara I
Rp. 7.000.000 = Juara II
Rp. 5.000.000 = Juara III

3. Affiliate Competition
Hadiah I = 1 buah mobil kia picanto 2013
Hadiah II = 3 buah yamaha mio
Hadiah III = 5 buah ipad mini 16 gb wifi
Bagi pemilik referral minimal 50 member verified, semakin banyak
referral anda, semakin besar peluang anda untuk menang.

Syarat :

DAFTAR ipaymu dan ikuti kontesnya SEKARANG!
Bagi yang belum memiliki akun IPAYMU silahkan KLIK DISINI atau tekan banner di bawah ini :

Bagi pemilik akun IPAYMU KLIK DISINI untuk daftar kontesnya.
Ikuti kompetisi ini dan dapatkan transaksi cepat dan aman dengan IPAYMU

Posting oleh Blogger ke Gudang Artikel pada 2/07/2013 11:38:00 PM
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Untuk memajukan ekonomi rakyat Indonesia, kini digencarkan pula transaksi melalui dunia internet. Hal ini dimaksudkan agar dunia pemasaran online bisa lebih dikenal dan lebih mudah digunakan oleh masyarakat hingga ke pelosok negeri.

Dalam rangka mendukung pergerakan perekonomian di Indonesia, serta menggairahkan UKM Goes Online, ekonomi digital di Indonesia - metode pembayaran online Ipaymu mengadakan kontes bagi para member maupun pemilik web store.

Berikut ini daftar kontes yang diadakan oleh ipaymu :

1. Social Sharing Competition
Dapatkan hadiah:
Rp. 8.000.000 = Juara I
Rp. 7.000.000 = Juara II
Rp. 6.000.000 = Juara III
Rp. 5.000.000 = Juara IV
Dengan mengumpulkan jumlah viral tertinggi.

2. eCommerce Platform

a. Kategori Platform eCommerce Umum
Membuat aplikasi / plugin yang terkoneksi ke sistem pembayaran IPAYMU,
dan aplikasi terbaik akan meraih uang tunai sebesar:
Rp. 6.000.000 = Juara I
Rp. 4.000.000 = Juara II
Rp. 3.000.000 = Juara III

b. Kategori Platform eCommerce Khusus
Mengaplikasikan API IPAYMU ke online store builder engine Anda
(seperti aplikasi yang sudah terimplementasi &
Rp. 8.000.000 = Juara I
Rp. 7.000.000 = Juara II
Rp. 5.000.000 = Juara III

3. Affiliate Competition
Hadiah I = 1 buah mobil kia picanto 2013
Hadiah II = 3 buah yamaha mio
Hadiah III = 5 buah ipad mini 16 gb wifi
Bagi pemilik referral minimal 50 member verified, semakin banyak
referral anda, semakin besar peluang anda untuk menang.

Syarat :

DAFTAR ipaymu dan ikuti kontesnya SEKARANG!
Bagi yang belum memiliki akun IPAYMU silahkan KLIK DISINI atau tekan banner di bawah ini :

Bagi pemilik akun IPAYMU KLIK DISINI untuk daftar kontesnya.
Ikuti kompetisi ini dan dapatkan transaksi cepat dan aman dengan IPAYMU

Posting oleh Blogger ke Gudang Artikel pada 2/07/2013 11:37:00 PM
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Rabu, 06 Februari 2013

Affiliate Marketing Blog
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Couponing - Have You Stepped Into This Bandwagon Yet?
Feb 6th 2013, 21:52

Coupons are huge these days. Why wouldn't they be when people can get something cheaper for the same thing offered by other stores sold at a regular price?

Personally I love coupons and online deals! I hate to admit it but I have developed a habit of 'accidentally' buying something online whenever I see it's offered at a cheaper price. Well wouldn't you? Especially if the deal ends at midnight, right? LOL.

I bet every one of us can relate to being an impulsive buyer whenever we are offered with irresistible deals. Even more if that deal expires in a few hours. The 'now or never' deal has pushed some of us to spending money, even if that money comes from our well-kept savings.

Well friends, that's how coupons work. And they can be very effective when it comes to getting buyers and gaining more sales.

Most of us are familiar with printed coupons or those that you normally see printed in magazines or newspapers.

These days, you can also see a lot of sites offering online coupons for their customers. In fact, there are already a lot of websites dedicated only to distributing online coupons for customers looking for price discounts.

My post today focuses on online coupons and how affiliate marketers can benefit from it. So let's get all the juicy facts shall we?

How popular is couponing these days?

I feel enthusiastic today and thought I provide you with some interesting facts about coupons' emerging popularity online and found this:

A survey from CouponCabin, a dedicated online coupon site with huge database of online coupons from different brands and products in United States, Canada, and UK revealed that in the US alone, "nearly all, (95%) said they had ever used a coupon. 46% said they use coupons very often or often, while 30% said sometimes and 18%said rarely. "

Additionally, the survey also revealed that "nearly one-third (29%) of U.S. adults who ever use coupons said they are 'opportunists;' they have zero loyalty when it comes to shopping and only buy products that are available with coupons or daily deals."

These data show how people now regarded coupons as a necessity when it comes to buying. Obviously coupons have become a huge advantage to customers.

The advantages of coupons in affiliate marketing

Apart from this, coupons are also good money-making tool for affiliate marketers. How?

  • Coupons serve as a powerful marketing tool to attract customers. Many affiliate marketers find success in using coupons in their marketing campaigns. Coupons attract a lot of buyers, making more sales in return. The same thing can be said for vendors who also find coupons useful in increasing their product sales.
  • Affiliate marketers may use coupons to gather user information. If you have purchased and used an online coupon before, you may have noticed that websites offering coupons ask customers to fill-up a simple form first before availing the discount. The fill-up form may contain user information such as age, gender, location, etc., which marketers use to improve their marketing efforts in order to increase their product sales.

Well, I have to say that building your own coupon site may be a bit overwhelming not to mention a huge risk considering you are competing with many already established coupon sites out there like FatWallet, CouponCraze, and CouponSurfer.

However, I'm the type of person who chooses to be confident and positive all the time. So looking at the bright side of this, believe it or not some of the huge coupon sites started out (and some still are), one-man operations.

That said it is not impossible to have your very own successful coupon site. It may be challenging and a big risk, yes. But still, coupon sites can provide you with good income when successful.

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" –Lao Tzu

Take it from the famous Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu who said: "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step".

Do not try to compete with huge coupon sites and pour all your money and effort trying to build the same site as theirs. Instead start at the very bottom and work your way up. As Lao Tzu says, taking singles steps will eventually get you there (in time).

You need to know that a successful affiliate marketer is not just earning money fast; it is also about gaining a stable income with affiliate marketing.

Sure thing it is a good to earn money fast but most of us still prefer to manage to earn a stable income and be able to last longer in the business amidst all the challenges that may come along the way.

What are the options?

Fortunately, you can still run your own coupon site without the worry of competing with huge coupon sites out there. You have the following options:

  • Build a niche coupon site.

Since there are tons of coupon sites out there, chances are you will definitely find it hard to compete with them starting from the keyword selection. Good keywords like coupons, online coupons, online deals, and so on are all high in competition.

You may however, start with a niche coupon site wherein you can get long tail keywords that are of less competition. In time, you may then build more niche coupon sites and before you know it, you are earning as much as what the big players in the industry are also earning.

Who knows, if you already have the money and have gained enough knowledge and experience in building coupon sites, you can start building the same huge coupon site of your own.

  • Start a blog that offers coupons.

Building a blog that is dedicated to customer information is another good option. You can blog about local shopping malls or provide readers tips in finding good deals online. There is a lot of information you can share out there. Then you can post coupon banners on your blog page or insert coupon links in your article.

What is great about this is if you pull this off, meaning you successfully established your blog as an authority site (with really a lot of useful content), you do not need to compete with huge coupon sites at all in the SERPs since good content will always attract direct visitors.

  • Register on ForMeToCoupon

The biggest hurdle for coupon site owners is to keep their site updated properly. This means making sure that they receive continuous feed and updates and at the same time check if their coupon codes are all live and working.

Of course as the site grows, so is the maintenance job becomes harder, making it almost impossible to concentrate in their marketing campaign. This is also the reason why some affiliate marketers don't want to get into coupon affiliate marketing.

Luckily, there is now a solution to this: ForMeToCoupon. This website provides affiliate marketers 'automation' of data feeds and coupon codes, making it easier for owners to run their coupon sites.

Added Tips:

When it comes to building a coupon site, you should also consider the following pointers:

  • Choosing your domain name- I have previously mentioned that there is a lot of competition when it comes to keywords like coupons or online coupons. Just search online and you'll find tons of coupon sites with 'coupons' in their domain names. Thus, instead of using keywords in your domain name, try to create a name that is familiar, easy-to-remember, and most of all brand-able.
  • Set-up a newsletter- Always have a newsletter set-up in your site. This helps you build your list in time by constantly updating your subscribers with good deals.
  • Quality content- You do not need to promote or earn in every post you make. What's more important is you provide your readers good and quality content all the time- keeping them interested. Thus, it is okay (from time to time) to make a content about something that is relevant to your site/niche and direct your visitors to another site.
  • Inform your readers properly- Although coupon sites are becoming a trend, there are still a lot of customers who do not know how to use coupons online. Thus, it is very important that you have your FAQ page. Additionally, a short video tutorial also helps a lot in explaining things better.

Others may consider coupon affiliate marketing as a super saturated market. But let's face it: Reality points out that economy is tight these days and many people find it harder to juggle the problems with higher taxes, tighter credits, and so on.

Despite all these, we have our basic necessities. Thus, it is inevitable to make purchases. And the one good relief we can do to save money is to search for coupon codes. So yes, despite being an oversaturated market, there is still room for coupon affiliate marketing as long as there is high demand.

Well, I hope I have shared something new with you today. If you really want to step up and stand out of the competition, I highly recommend you try AffiloBlueprint 3.0. There are tons of video lessons there that will teach you how to build a quality website.

Also, feel free to let me know your thoughts by dropping your comment below. Cheers!

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Senin, 04 Februari 2013

Bisnis Indonesia rupanya semakin maju saja. Peminat bisnis mulai ramai menggunakan fasilitas online sebagai salah satu upaya menggenjot jaringan bisnisnya. Bahkan saat ini tidak sedikit yang menggunakan fasilitas jual beli di dunia maya itu dengan transaksi saling percaya. Tergantung bagaimana kesepakatan mereka dan rata-rata transfer dulu baru barang dikirim.

Untuk mendapatkan dukungan keamanan transaksi, mereka banyak menggunakan layanan ecommerce atau transaksi melalui perantara, semacam Paypal, Liberty, dan Payza yang semuanya itu berasal dari negara asing alias luar negeri.
Indonesia bukanlah negara yang serba mengekor atau ikut pakai fasilitas saja. Namun, namanya bangsa yang penuh semangat "Garuda di Dadaku" turut serta memajukan teknologi. Salah satunya membuat sebuah layanan ecommerce Indonesia karya anak bangsa, dari Indonesia untuk Indonesia. Bahkan ke depannya untuk transaksi yang lebih luas lagi. Bisa jadi akan menyaingi Paypal dan sejenisnya yang telah ada sebelumnya.
Kini telah hadir ke hadapan anda sarana pembayaran Online yang telah terintegrasi dengan 127 Bank di seluruh tanah air memberikan sarana yang cukup handal untuk bertransaksi online aman, terpercaya dan cepat, yang berdiri dengan nama IPAYMU.
Untuk menyukseskan dan mendukung kemajuan ecommerce Indonesia ini, tentu harus didukung oleh bangsa Indonesia. Jika anda mengaku cinta Indonesia, dukung ecommerce Indonesia dengan cara bergabung dengan IPAYMU.
Klik Logo Untuk Mengintip Layanan IPAYMU. 

Posting oleh Blogger ke Gudang Artikel pada 2/04/2013 06:18:00 PM
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